Friday 27 January 2012

Feedback on evaluation Task Three

Love the video interview has the potential to be a ficus group - i feel that there are some really good points made in feedback. You do need to cover your target audience as well and compare the two sets of comments.
You then ned to address the set evaluation task, which is aking you to interpret the different ways in which the audience are responding to the MV and th emusic publicity campaign that you have put together. If you do this as soon as possible, it would be much appreciated.

Feedback on Evaluation Task Two

There is a sound presentation of the music campaign that you have produced. You use real media products alongside your own which is good. Also I like the way in which you have applied the Star image - this could be extened to discussing brand identity and the marketing mix that you wanted to create - you touch on this briefly in terms of where the products would be placed. You must complete the presentation, there are two blank slides to complete please.

Wednesday 25 January 2012

Focus Group Questions

Did you enjoy the music video Run?

What were your favorite elements of the video ‘Run?

Did you understand the concept behind the video

Did you think the narrative was clear? Explain why?

Did you feel that you could relate to the Media product?

What did you think of the choice band members and costume ?

Would you watch this video again? If so, why? What attracts you to the video?

Would you listen to this band again? What do you like/dislike about them?

What could you improve about this video?

Monday 23 January 2012

Example of a Focus Group

A focus group is used to get feedback on a product weather it be media related or not. The way it works is a group will be assembled in a room to watch a pilot for instance they will then be questioned on it with questions such as; What do you think this product stands for? and what was your favourite part? This helps the directors and distributors know where and when they should show the product and also to what kind of audience they are pitching for young or old, male or female.

Task 3


Evaluation task 2

Sunday 22 January 2012

In What ways do your media products use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

We watned to use a wide/establishing shot as the conventional opening scene. We wanted to do this so that the audience could see exactly who was in this particular barn scene. As they find out it is a young band who are good friends and tehy are not playing to the audience like most typical music videos. Instead they are "jamming" amongst each other, having fun and a laugh. This was how we wanted our band image to be portrayed and through what it looks like we feel we really achieved this. 

The shot below is when our lead singer first sings the first line of teh song. We felt that it was necessary to have a shot where teh singer is established from the word go. In this case it is the first line. Before this shot we had a shot of each instrument and to complete this sequence we had the voice.

The photo below is a close up. This was important becuase it was leading towards the first chorus adn teh chorus was when the narrative first comes in. We like the close up because it make you really think about what the singer is singing.

Below is when the narrative first comes in. We only wanted it to be a little teaser of what was to come in terms of the narrative so we kept this particular shot very short. We added a super 8 type of effect to make it look like a bunch of friends playing around looking for the music they are hearing being payed by the band in the barn. And as the word "Run" is said. It cuts straight to these two characters running.

Below is the first shot back from the narrative and it is beginning of the second verse. Straight away we watned to again go to a shot of the lead singer to show that it was the beginning of the verse. And more importantly the scene had definetly moved on from the field with the two runners.

Below the friends have all found each other and are now searching to find the barn where the band are playing as they can hear the music and like it. As a result they want to find it.

Below is the closing shot of the music video. The friends who have been trying to search for the band have found the barn but the band has gone and istead there is only speakers playing what seems to be the song. The friends are confused as to how this has happened and they walk of in disappointment.

INSIDE RIGHT: This is what the inside of our digipak will look like. Here we have the CD and the section it stays in. We designed the CD to look like an old vinyl record to go with the vintage style look even thoughit is a modern CD. We did this because we feel that is what the band is about. They like the way music used tobe produced and they want to go for the vintage and original look themseleves. 

FRONT COVER: This is the front cover. We have gone for a cardboard Digipak. Our band likes the idea of this as thy feel that they are doing their part to save the enviroment. They also like the vintage style look of the cardboard. They got an artist to draw an original drawing on each Digipak and they are all different and all individual.

Saturday 14 January 2012
