Tuesday 23 November 2010

My Horror/ Thriller Idea.

We open on an establishing shot of a club in a busy town centre focusing on the cue to get into the club, we then go into a close up of one girl in the crowd clearly underage and out alone. We then see that the girl starts taking to an older man in the cue and getting very friendly, we cut to the P.O.V of the man talking to the girl doing this hand held to make the audience feel like they are in the shoes of the man, all the sounds up until now have been diagetic, the music coming from the club and conversations between people.  Staying in the point of view of the man we make our way into the club where the night starts to speed up until we see the man give the girl a pill of some sort staying in P.O.V handheld we see the girl swallow the pill. It is at the point we go to a fast tracking shot backwards to see her reaction to the pill we then have a static wide shot where the girl is moving slowly around the club and dancing really badly as if she is overly drunk the crowd starts moving really fast to show us as the audience what she is feeling. When the girl finally leaves the club it is light outside we see cleaning crews and shots of empty streets and the sun rising. The girl who is now standing on the curd outside the club still a little tripped out from the pill she was given in the club. Several black cabs go past her as she tries to flag one down until finally an unlicensed cab pulls up and she gets in and tells him where she wants to go we have cutaways of the taxi leaving with the girl and some other shots inside the cab of the girl sleeping and the driver looking nervous and sweating a little bit it is at this point that the car swerves off the road quickly and the girl wakes up we then cut to black where we hear diagetic sounds of the car skidding to a halt, the door opening and finally the girl screaming and crying. Finally after all this we have the title come up on screen and some sort of slogan both of which I have not decided on yet.

Friday 19 November 2010

Analysis of a scene from the 6th sense

In one of our lessons last week we looked at the scene in the 6th sense where the boy goes into the dead girls room, we learned that different means are used to build fear and suspense such as the non diagetic music as the boy slowly reaches for the door handle. By him reaching slowly this builds suspense and as we see his reflection in the door handle this is all used to scare us.

We are then inside the room and we see lots of dolls and a hospital bed, the slow moving child and the dark lighting is also used to build suspense and fear. This whole scene lasts around 3 minutes which is a long time in media terms, when the girl finally jumps out from under the bed we have been waiting for this moment for a while therefore scaring us a lot more.

Denotation & Connotation of Horror Film Images


Woman in front of wall with red writing on it. Saying 'Not Alone'.

'Not Alone' symbolises how she may not actually physically be alone or mentally. Showing us that she may be mentally unstable, her clothing (tracksuit) highlights the she may be at home or in a place of comfort as she has not made an effort dress wise. The red writing could be blood, therefore showing us she is some sort of trouble.

Man with a white face possibly a mask, looking over a banister holding a large knife

Low angle shot to show that he is a strong character and his hierarchy, holding a knife signifying that hen is about to do something wrong.


Person in white mask and black hooded cloak holding a knife looking through window at a blond woman on a phone.

Knife symbolises danger, woman may be on phone to someone asking for help i.e the police, Mask covers the mans face building fear as we don't know who this man is. the murderer may be breaking into the woman's home.

Conventions of the Horror/ Thriller Genre

In class last week we where asked to make a list of all the thins we expect to see in a Horror/ Thriller film, Here is the list we came up with:

  • Death
  • Blood
  • Knives
  • Axes
  • Torture
  • Dark
  • Isolation
  • Paranormal
  • Supernatural
  • Villans
  • Victims
  • Abandonment
  • Ghosts
  • Footsteps
  • Screaming
  • Kidnap
  • Fire
  • Puppets
  • Mutation
  • Creaking doors
  • Trees
  • Wind
  • Clowns
  • Storms
  • Bad Omens
  • Shouting
  • Guns
  • Psychos
  • Dolls
  • Hooded Figures
  • Rats
  • Owls
  • Church Bells
  • Grave Yards
  • Candles
  • Pain
  • Murder
  • Fear

Tuesday 9 November 2010

Editing our Prelim task.

I took a directorial role during the editing process suggesting where clips had to go and what it should look like whilst I was helping the rest of my group and giving them pointers on how to edit as I have done the editing stage before and taken courses in it, I think the rest of my group did really well and are getting really good at editing. I really enjoyed taking a back seat during this stage as my input was valid and got listened to quite a lot. I found it difficult not being in control at first but soon got used to it and ended up really liking doing that.

I learned that sometimes it is good to take a step back and let other people take the lead as they will learn what I already know and will benefit more from this than I will.

Prelim task Evaluation

When we did our Prelim task we shot in the studio as there was already a set in there set up, this location worked really well as the idea behind our preliminary task was set in an office. We decided as a group that we would change roles every camera move so we all ended up doing everything at some point Directing, Camera and First AD.

Lighting: The lighting we used in the studio was fairly hard so we had to dim it using the barn doors the lights we used where two red heads lighting from two different angles to try and get rid of shadows on the back wall, we wanted to create light in certain part of the room plus it was a dark day and we had to make the studio brighter. We started with only one light and found that it was not effective and it made quite a few nasty shadows so we set up another light and found that the shadows where less present and it looked a lot better.

Filming: We started off well we set up the tripod and put the camera on it when in position we bubbled it (made sure it was level), we then white balanced, adjusted exposure, checked our shutter speed, framed and finally focused the camera on our acts. We made sure there was no equipment in our frame whenever changing position and then we bubbled again. We chose our angles and shots carefully making sure we could see what needed to be seen by our audience. We had a mixture of low angle and high angle portraying who was dominant in our scene, we had close ups of the passing of the telephone and also close ups of the faces and the expressions on our actors faces. We did all of our shots in order to make sure we did not miss anything and also to save time, we did Wide shot first then Mid then over the shoulder followed by our close ups running through the whole scene ever time. We did not step over the 180 degree rule at any point in our Prelim task. We had a script we followed and when we had finished shooting all the shots we had to shoot we added some like a taking shot through the door, panning and some other close ups, we also made sure we where using the right terminology :

- standing by
- camera rolling/ camera speed

I have used the camera before and already knew how to story board and all ready knew about the 180 degree rule, the things I learned about where different types of shots such as- Wide (a shot showing a wide area- sometimes used as an establishing shot), Mid ( a medium shot, if shooting a person this will be from the waist up), Low ( camera is low down looking up at the characters making them dominant or strong)and High angle ( camera is high up looking down on a character making them vulnerable or less important in the scene)and so on.

The story board we used is shown below:
